Saturday 18 October 2008

When in Rome

We're back in Rome and glad to be heading homewards.
Summary of our travels, in each place we have found:
  • McDonald's
  • Pushy vendors/hawkers
  • Starbucks
  • Ruins
  • Roman Influence
  • Coca-cola
  • Scary driving including kamakazi scooters
  • Cobbled streets
  • Vodafone
  • Le stupid Americans
Our tips for travelling:
  • Do not go to Egypt
  • Don't pet the Colosseum cats
  • Just say no to hawking
  • Free transport is possible on both trams and trains (take mace for the former)
  • Always, always use tours - no lines!
We would just like to say you all suck for not commenting on our awesome blog. Now we will torture you by making you sit through hours of photos and boring pointless stories.

1 comment:

Devery said...

Oi - I commented twice!