Saturday 4 October 2008


We arrived in Rome at 7.30 am on Friday morning, one full day calendar wise from leaving home, time wise however it was over 30 hours of traveling. It took forever to get our bag then customs was merely walking through a door. A lovely man met us at the airport and drove us to our hotel in the heart of Rome. It's a really long drive and not terribly exciting. We slept most of our first day and through the night. I had a belly ache from the plane, Gareth looked after me and even ventured to buy food. Our room has huge windows which we left open all night, it looks out on to the backs of three dirty, old buildings which lots of crashes and bangs coming from ground level.
This is the building across from our hotel, most of the buildings in Rome are really old and beautiful. They strangely remind me of Jane Austen's England from the movies I've seen.

Our first morning in Rome we had breakfast at our hotel, Gareth was excited to discover they had cocoa pops. I was excited that they made me hot chocolate, I did however burn my tongue.
Note the cobbled streets, they are all over the place but some are asphalt (I can't work out reasoning behind which are and which aren't.) Note also the scooters, they are everywhere. People drive on the right hand side of the road which is very disconcerting. The roads are weird, some two laned, some one, be they one way or otherwise.

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